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This website was created as part of a group project for our course, Technology and World Change G22, at Singapore Management University, in AY 13/14 Term 1.


The topic of clean energy was chosen to analyse how a shift towards a cleaner and more sustainable future may be realized.  In today’s context, it has become increasingly imperative that we reduce our dependence on non-renewable and environmentally damaging hydrocarbon energy. The current energy paradigm is unsustainable and there is a need to make a transition to a future powered entirely by renewable and clean energy supply, in order for us to avoid the very worst impacts of climate change. 



This web report aims to explore how clean energy policies may be made viable and broadly implemented, through the use of country case studies. The success of each country is evaluated and valuable lessons in clean energy development are drawn from their experiences.  Further, possible implications as well as likely considerations of such a concerted shift towards greater reliance on clean energies will also be analysed, with particular focus on what this means for developing/emerging economies.  


Before you start...

What is Clean Energy?

Clean energy is defined to be energy that does not pollute the environment. This consists of both renewable energy and energy such as nuclear energy. To get an idea of what renewable energy is, watch this video!

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